Time Dilation Explained in the Relative Terms of Watching a Movie

                      For now, I am going to write down my thoughts on this, and then later add in illustrations while explaining this in further detail. My main goal is to make this as easy to understand as possible.

                Time Dilation is a very interesting phenomena. Basically, Time Dilation occurs in everything. Space and time are relative to each other. Gravity also affects time. The closer you are to central mass of gravity, the more your time will be dilated relative to something that is farther away from the central mass of gravity.

        For example, if you placed a clock in the earths core and a clock in the Earth's upper atmosphere, they will run at two different times. This happens because they are actually in two different times. They is a proven fact, and this can make many things that sound crazy, actually possible.

     Time dilation also occurs when one object is moving at a different speed relative to another object. Time Dilation was proven to be fact when two super sensitive clocks were synchronized with one another.  One clock was placed on an airliner while the other was left at the airport. Common sense tells you that the two clocks would have kept the same time, but they didn't. After one clock flew around the earth at the speeds an airline flies, when it was rejoined with its counter part at the airport, they did in fact have different times.

    The faster an object can move the more time dilation will occur. These two clocks could not travel at speeds relative to one another high enough to make a huge difference in their time. It was only a fraction of a second difference. Some will say, "Well that is not very much, so what is the big deal?"

    The big deal is that it happened at all. This proves that two objects can in fact exist in different times relative to one another. This effect actually happens on the clock in the satellites that orbit our planet. Special steps are taken to keep them in sync with the systems they are connected with.

     To further explain, in the universe there are two main types of galaxies. A spiral galaxy like the one we live in and an elliptical galaxy. There is actually a third that is known as an irregular galaxy but for the purpose of this paper, we will not be referring to these galaxies.

     An elliptical galaxy is a galaxy that has slowed down and does not spin as fast as it used to. This causes the galaxy to look like a flat egg. A spiral galaxy is a galaxy that is spinning very fast (at least relative to use and an elliptical galaxy). It has arms extending out from the center that look kind or like a whirl pool or how the water will sometimes drain our of your sink.

   Since one galaxy is spinning faster than the other, they are in fact existing in two different times. People consider the universe to be around 5 billion years old. Since time is relative to space, gravity, and speed, matter can exist in different times.

   Imagine our civilization here on earth and think how old it is. Now imagine another civilization on another world. Imagine both started at the exact same point in time relative to one another. Everything in the universe is moving. the world you live on is moving relative to the star system it is in, relative to the galaxy it is circling, and relative to the center of the universe we are accelerating away from.

    These two worlds could have started at the exact same point in time relative to one another, but depending on the  speeds they are traveling relative to one another because of all of these variables, they may in fact not be the same age as one another due to time dilation. One civilization may be thousand and thousands years older than another. One may be thousands of years more technologically advanced than the other. all because of time dilation.

    I am going to explain time dilation in a way that anyone can understand. Imagine you are watching a movie. For the purpose of this thought experiment, imagine the movie you are watching is an old VHS video tape. I may also use a digital example and add both illustrations in here later. Imagine the tape the movie is recorded on is reality.

    Imagine that you could take the tape apart, unwind it and lay it all out in one straight line. This line of tape is time. Actually time and space but in the interest of keeping it simple, just imagine this line of tape is a time line.

   Imagine you had a device that could play the movie recorded on this tape the way it is laid our in a straight line. So instead of the tape moving to play, the device and you move down the tape. When you press fast forward on a movie, you watch the time and events of the movie accelerate forward at a higher rate of speed and when you press play you are at a different point in time in the movie while your time remained the same. In other words, the time and events in the movie got older while you remained the same age. My explanation of time dilation is like this effect, but in reverse.

     This device we are using that moves down the laid out video tape in one line it the part that is moving and not the tape. You are in a chair that moves along with this device. So, when you press fast forward on the movie, instead of the tape moving faster down the line, you and the device are. When you press play, you are at a different time in the movie. Everything in the movie has gotten older while you remain the same age. That is time dilation.

    the faster you move, the more time around you speeds up while you remain the same age. Imagine now that are reality is this video tape that has been laid out in one line. Our time line of reality. When we press fast forward, we are watching the events of our reality move in fast forward. Everything around us is getting older, while we remain the same age. Just like in fast forwarding a video tape, the faster you move, the faster the reality you are watching moves forward in time. When you press play, you are the same age but in a different point in time in the future.

      This is happening all around you. Everything that exists, exists in its own space time relative to all of the variables around it.

    Even the universe could be moving relative to something else in space. Like another universe or many universes. In my mind, the universe we are in may have an end, but the space it occupies is infinite.

    If space is infinite, the number of universes in space could also be infinite.  there could have been a big bang of a big bang. A big bang that sent put matter that would each have its own big bang. A universe of universes. this process could also be infinite. This process may also recycle in a never ending process of big bangs and recycling. this is what my next paper will be about. Everyone knows that what has a beginning must have an end. If space has no end, then it has no beginning. This is what I have been trying to wrap my mind around. Because neither theory makes any sense. People need to stop pondering the beginning and end of the universe and start pondering the beginning and end of space, if there is such a thing. There can only be two possibilities, either space had a beginning or it just always was. You can think about in terms like time because time is relative to other variables. This is where I started thinking that maybe there actually could be a god. As humans, we should be smart enough to realize that we know nothing and probably never will have an answer to these questions.

    That is a magical, wonderful thing to me. I would not want to live in world with no mystery. One thing a lot of people do not realize. Space is infinite with infinite possibilities. What can happen, is happening somewhere. The things that can happen, always could happen. Man could always fly, we just had to figure out how to do it. There could be civilizations out there who have figured out interstellar travel, time travel, and other thing that is possible. If you want proof of alien life, of creatures from space, that can travel through space, then just go look in the mirror. What do you think we are. We are proof intelligent alien life exists. Though I am not sure about the intelligent part. we are creatures, stuck to a rock, hurdling through the bottomless pit of space. One day I may write a paper about astronomy and the bible. Though I am not that religious, there are some pretty interesting things in the bible that is amazing these guys knew. Ancient people were just as smart as modern people, maybe even smarter. they just didn't have the tools we have, and it is amazing some of them knew what they did with what they had.

    We could be some kind of alien ant farm, or wild life preserve, or even a free range human farm. we could be a science experiment created by some child in a higher plain. This stuff may sound crazy, but the ones who think intelligent alien life is crazy, are the ones who are crazy. I think deep down they know, it is just more comforting to them to ignore it. Still, the ridicule of those who ponder these questions must stop. Fact is stranger than fiction. monsters really do exist, somewhere.


     How can something have no beginning and no end? That is the stuff of magic and gods. An even stranger and more impossible question, "How can space have a beginning and an end?"

    Both questions, both possibilities, make no sense. So, reality makes no sense. Us being here makes no sense. Then there is the question, "Why did all of this happen it if makes no sense?" what is the point of living if you are just going to die and everything you were deleted from the universe, like you never existed at all?  what is the point. I may have an insight to this question.

    Why does life exist? Why does space and reality exist? What is the point of having space with matter in it, if there is nothing to know it is there. Nothing to see it? So, in fact, the mere fact that space, time, reality, and matter exists, means there must be something there to know it existed. Or else why does it even exist?  The fact that reality exists means there must also be something there to know it exits. We are one of those things. I also want to write a paper on this one day, but foe now I am going to jot down some simple thoughts.

     Everything in the universe, came from the universe. It is all connected. Like what happens in one point on earth affects the entire planet. This is also true of the universe. The distance may seem impossible to us, but you have to remember relativity. Also, just us being here seems impossible to us. So, just wipe that word out of your mind. Impossible is impossible. I am going to meme that.

    The universe did not create matter, what is always was. Nothing can be destroyed or created, only changed. What ever matter exists, will always exist, no more, no less. But for the purpose of this thought experiment, think of the universe creating the matter we occupy. Created is not the right word, but to make it simple to understand, that is the word we are going to use.

    What is the point of reality if nothing is around to know it exists? So, the universe, or god, or nature, (all words meaning basically the same thing, but it is something you really have to think about to grasp my meaning) created life. It created us. We are in fact the universe. The universe is alive, like the planets. Every living thing is the universe. When we hurt someone else. we are only hurting yourself.

   The universe got greedy though in a sense. Who knows how much life is in the universe, but we know there is here on earth. All living things on earth is a price of the universe. we are the only living things that can contemplate out existence. So we are the universe contemplating itself.

   Each person lives in their own reality. You are the universe experiencing the reality it created. You are experiencing reality for god in a sense. so, it is hard for me to believe it is all for nothing. Maybe it is a gift the universe gave to itself, so it could feel, taste food, experience love. Five billion people on earth and each one is the universe experiencing a different reality. Think about that. Every living thing is experiencing the reality from its point of view for the universe. Universe may be the wrong ward, because I believe we are all part of something bigger that has been so far veiled from us. We have yet to discover.

     So, enjoy your life. It is a truly a gift. It could be so much if people would only let it. Some say life is what you make it. That is true for some, for others life is what others allow you to make it. Which pisses me off. Don;t think that is true? Go back in time and ask someone who was forced into slavery. we could live in a Utopia if we all worked together. Imagine how much better life would be if we all profited from our combine efforts instead of just a few making a personal fortune while others are payed slave wages and barely scrape by.  I guess that is part of the experience the universe wants to feel. All of these notes at the end will be written into their own papers at some point. That si why I write them down when  I think of them.

   If you want to change your life, change your mind.


